フラッシュモブ サプライズ プロポーズ from台湾 One Direction “C’mon C’mon” あべのハルカス”Flashmob Surprise Proposal”

Emotion Rise(http://www.emotionrise.com/) 制作。

当社がJR大阪駅にて実施したプロポーズフラッシュモブ(使用曲 Charice 「Louder」)を見て、実施を決断。
国は違えど想いは同じ!依頼者とキャストとのコミュニケーションもばっちりで、母も応援する中 後日妹さんと来日する彼女のために、ダンスの練習も一生懸命頑張りました!

One Directionの”C’mon C’mon”の曲に合わせて、カッコいいダンス、スピード感溢れる演出、迫力満点のカメラワークで素晴らしいプロポーズフラッシュモブとなりました。



ご協力: あべのハルカス 近鉄本店
実施場所: ウェルカム ガレリア

This time we received an inquiry all the way from Taiwan!
We were informed that Our Flash Mob Proposal“LOUDER“ taken place at Osaka Station was broadcast-ed on Taiwan T.V and became very popular. Our customer came to Osaka, Japan to propose to his girlfriend with our Flash Mob as he felt highly motivated. His mother and sister cheered him up as he put in full effort for the practicing of the Flash Mob dance. Using One Direction “Come on Come on“ for an awesome dance performance. He was on point and quick with the produced choreography and made an amazing proposal with our epic camera work.

Will his feelings sincerely reach her heart?