BP or not BP? Scotland – Theatre Flashmob Climate Action at the Scottish National Portrait Gallery


1. Sign our petition: https://you.38degrees.org.uk/p/portraitawards

2. Write on the National Galleries of Scotland Facebook page. Ask them to take a stand against oil sponsorship of the arts: https://www.facebook.com/nationalgalleries/

2. Tweet to the National Portrait Gallery – @NatGalleriesSco – using hashtags ‪#‎BPPortraitAwards,‬ ‪#DropBP, #‎ArtNotOil‬ or #‎FossilFreeCulture

4. Follow and retweet us on Twitter: @NoBPFundingScot

5. Like and share our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/NoBPFundingScotland/

6. Join us! Email scotland@bp-or-not-bp.org if you live in Scotland and would like to be added to our mailing list. If you live in England and would like to get involved in a similar campaign, email info@bp-or-not-bp.org.

7. LIKE & SHARE this video!
