Cole& Allison wedding flashmob tutorial

Hi everyone!
So, for Allison and Cole’s wedding we are going to do a flashmob to the song Happy. Remember to keep it a surprise!!

Here is a quick review of the choreography:

verse 1- (wedding party and special guest)
4 snaps, 2 “discos”, 4 snaps, 2 “sea weeds”, 4 snaps, 4 grabs to the right, 4 snaps, 4 grabs to the left

8 claps, 4 forward kicks, 4 side kicks, then repeat

verse 2:
turn to the right, wave, turn to the left, wave, 4 snaps, 4 grabs to the right, 4 snaps, 4 grabs to the left

chorus repeat

break in the music-
feel free to dance around, or continue the clap sequence

verse- *same as verse 1

chorus repeat
pose!! and thats the end.

We can’t wait to surprise everyone at the wedding!