Flashmob Shining Hot Spring in Winter

Fuzhou Airport: Flashmob Shining Hot Spring in Winter
In waiting hall of Fuzhou Airport, flahsmob for Hot Spring in Winter, sponsored by Fuzhou Tourism Bureau, took place on 18th January when is rush period for Chinese New Year.
Then the hall teemed with travelers and a dozen of girls in cheongsam with Fuzhou style, ambled past the crowd, calling in Fzhou accent and holding oil-paper umbrella which was one of three Fuzhou specialties, as if ancient scene reappeared. Travelers were attracted by the flashmob. Following it, Min opera performance brought the event to climax.
The event, lasting 10 minutes, was one of the activities that publicized Fuzhou Tourism in Chinese New Year and Appraisal of Fuzhou Tour Attractions. It aimed at attracting tourists.