Flashmob Tutorial | Mob for You

Hi! Welcome to the Mob for You Flashmob tutorial!

For an easier access to the tutorial we have broken it down into sections and order:
1. First section = 01:50
2. First part of the Chorus = 03:06 (Each part is done twice)
3. Second part of the chorus = 04:06
4. Second section = 05:56
5. Third section = 07:43
6. Chorus is performed again
7. Last section = 09:58
8. Chorus is performed two more times
9. Full dance = 13:23

We are collaborating with the Beat Eating Disorders UK Organisation to raise money and awareness of eating disorders as well as encouraging self-love. More information about this organization in the following videos!

Link to their website: https://www.beateatingdisorders.org.uk
Wednesday 21st February 2018 at 13:30

Leeds University Union: Lifton Pl, Leeds LS2 9JZ
Exact location: Union Square. This is in the lower ground – the area around Salad bar, Humpit, Wok&Go…

Instagram: @mobforyou
E-mail: flashmobforyou@gmail.com
Facebook event: MobForYou – Leeds Self-Love Flashmob https://www.facebook.com/events/864481917067955/