One Day Flash Mob Challenge

One Day Flash Mob Challenge

Dance To Be Free (DTBF) is a 501(c)3 that is changing the lives of incarcerated women through the healing power of collective dance. Through our DVD and Teacher-Training program, DTBF uses cathartic choreography and emotional music as the healing vehicles for addressing Post Traumatic Stress Disorder symptoms.

During our teacher training inmates gain confidence as they experience leadership skills for perhaps the first time in their lives. As the training progresses their self-awareness increases through emotionally expressive movement. Our students also respond to journal prompts throughout the training that deepen the pro-social bonds created during our time together.

We encourage self-reflection and vulnerability as they learn how to collaborate and encourage one another. As they create their facility’s dance piece, they learn how to count music, choreograph and to dig deep inside of themselves to discover what it takes to step up in front and lead!

Learn more about us at