Hi guys!
Our Gotta Go Dance Team did a medley of Chung Ha’s songs outside her fanmeeting venue on 21st April 2019.
This is a flashmob to honour #CHUNGHA ‘s 1st ever fanmeet in Singapore, #GOTTAGOTOSINGAPORE and we would like to thank the wonderful Byulharangs for the cheers!

Do remember to leave a like and comment what you would like us to cover next ~ If you want to see more of our videos, hit the subscribe button!

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Follow our Instagram for more updates

♥ Nadiah: @na_di4h
♥ Renee: @renee.day
♥ Jiarong: @jixronx
♥ Eunice: @eunicellx (HTL)
♥ Jeslyn: @100199 (KGX)
♥ Anisah: @halcvone
♥ Kevin: @kxvrn.jinwx (Checkmate)
♥ Zal: @_zzxll_ (Checkmate)
♥ Nicholas: @heyxogus (off.query)
♥ Leonard: @heyleonardhey (J2bit)

Checkmate’s Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/OfficialCM2013

Eunice’s Channels: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNuu7SblLZKxyGSGGFmH7Jw
HTL – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgMvqTQJusuxk2cx3LQkRzw

Off.query’s Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxHXUboDzaAUkGHLw9ghUOw

J2bit’s Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAgaAnT8ItSwkD46up9hCyw

KGX’s Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCN7sZv0JKiwkALAtDadihGw


Thank you so much to Carol for helping us film the video ~


This is purely for entertainment purposes only, no profit is being made from this. All rights given to MNH Entertainment, we do not own anything.