Breanne and Kevin’s SECRET Flashmob

Hi Breanne and Kevin’s Friends and Family!
Above is the video tutorial for a SUPER SECRET, SUPER FUN flash mob dance to be performed at their wedding!
Everyone is welcome to join but participation is not required.
ONLY SECRECY IS REQUIRED! They know nothing about it!
We’ve created specific times for everyone to jump into the dance, based alphabetically by last name. However, if you’re last name begins with Z, let’s say, and you don’t want to wait for group C, or your last name begins with A, and you don’t want to dance for almost the whole song, feel free to assign yourself to group A, B, or C.
Additionally, there is a final, unlettered group (see note in video around 2:10) for anyone who wants to participate but can’t/doesn’t wish to dance for all those sweaty minutes.
Also, if you want to bring a prop onto the dance floor–a scarf, maracas, light sticks, etc., feel free!!
Group A: A-I
Group B: J-R
Group C: S-Z
We tried to count out the steps for most moves, so turn the volume up to hear us!